Multi-Lingual Angels
The Angels utilize a “secret language” in the film and it is actually Finnish. Though, it is a secret language because it is a very poorly pronounced version of Finnish. They said: Alex: “Onko sinun ja Knoxin välillä menossa jotain?” Dylan: “Ei tietenkään.” Natalie: “On vain niin, että suhteet asiakkaiden kanssa ovat tosi huonoja ideoita.” Dylan: “Olen samaa mieltä.”
Translated roughly in English: Alex, “Is there something going on between you and Knox?” Dylan: “Of course not.” Natalie: “It’s just that relationships with customers are very bad ideas.” Dylan: “I agree.” Finnish language experts have said that Drew Barrymore’s pronunciation was the best of the three. In the German dubbed version, the Angels’ “secret language” lines are Japanese.