Grace Kelly Died 35 Years Ago But Her Legacy Is Still Growing

Nearly 100 Million People Watched Grace Kelly’s Funeral

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On September 13, 1982, Kelly was driving from her country home in Roc Agel to her castle in Monaco when she had a stroke, veered off a steep, winding road, and died. Her daughter Stephanie managed to escape the 120-foot drop with only a hairline fracture on the seventh cervical vertebrae. Her injury meant she was unable to attend her mother’s funeral. However, nearly 100 million people tuned in to pay their final respects to the Grace of Monaco.

To put that number into perspective, the most watched TV series finale of all time was “M*A*S*H” which scored 105.9 million viewers. Princess Grace’s funeral would be second on that list ahead of “Cheers” which brought in 84.4 million viewers. Only the Moon landing, a handful of sporting events, and a few other moments in time have captured a bigger audience than Grace of Monaco’s funeral.